With two new brands LIVEKINDLY Collective starts in China

Giggling Pig and Happy Chicken

The LIVEKINDLY Collective has announced its launch in China with two flagship brands: the Giggling Pig 咯咭藸 [Ge Ji Zhu] and the Happy Chicken 哈皮鸡, [Ha Pi Ji]. Both of them were designed and produced domestically to satisfy Chinese customer demands and are LIVEKINDLY’s first in-house brands. The two new brands represent a portfolio of […]

Pandemic prevention thanks to improvements in food production

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Companies, public institutions and individuals around the world are feverishly working to develop a vaccine or effective treatments against Covid-19. But prevention is better than cure. And one thing is often forgotten: improvements in food supply chains would also make a significant contribution to reducing future pandemic risks.

The true costs of meat


How much your beef burger would cost when considering environmental effects 6.78 US Dollar – That is how much more one kilo of beef mince costs in comparison to its equivalent from plant-based source when considering its environmental footprint! Does that massive difference sound unbelievable to you? Blue Horizon, the pure play investment pioneer in […]

Subsidizing plant-based alternatives instead of harmful meat consumption


In the case of transport, the Swiss Confederation has for years been reporting the costs incurred by road, rail and air transport users, but which are not fully reflected in the price: damage to nature and the landscape, air pollution or accidents. But when it comes to food production, the Swiss agricultural and food industry […]