Pandemic prevention thanks to improvements in food production

Companies, public institutions and individuals around the world are feverishly working to develop a vaccine or effective treatments against Covid-19. But prevention is better than cure. And one thing is often forgotten: improvements in food supply chains would also make a significant contribution to reducing future pandemic risks.

Because as we now know: One of the main causes of this and previous pandemics, such as bird flu and swine flu, lies in agriculture. And to be even more specific: to a large extent it is due to a lack of hygiene in meat production.

Plant-based or laboratory-bred alternatives do not have this problem. What is more, none of the alternatives contain antibiotics or hormones, the production process is not associated with climate-impacting emissions and land consumption is significantly reduced. So if we want to prevent future pandemics, we must tackle the problem at its root. Switching to a more sustainable way of meat production is a start!

#futureoffood #foodproduction #sustainability #Covid-19