Literature tip

An outlook on 2021 food trends

Puris, 02/02/2021 - The COVID-19 pandemic developed an unparalleled awareness amongst consumers for alternative proteins, food waste, animal health and, in the end, our nutrition (“what do you feed yourself with?”). Having passed 1/12th of 2021, we can already see again: consumers and investors are voting with their investment & consumption dollars to support plant-based food companies fighting climate change through the transformation of the food value chain. #futurefood #plantbased #alternativeprotein #climatechange

Vegan restaurant becomes first in France to get Michelin star

BBC News, 19/01/2021 - In all honesty, promoting plant-based food is actually all about helping the mass consumption of animal proteins transform towards plant-based proteins. That’s how the proper impact is generated! However, to get a touch of glamour & excellence into plant-based eating, as ONA has done, is a great treat at times, and awareness on all levels doesn’t hurt at all - well done! 🌱”