Between flood and fire disasters: Climate report urges immediate action

Climate Change

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) publishes new climate report and demands immediate action. Humans are responsible for global warming and climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced immediately and drastically; otherwise, the 1.5 degrees warming limit is unattainable. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are […]

Swiss sustainable finance growing, legal framework is missing

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Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin The success story for sustainable finance continues in Switzerland with a double-digit growth in the field in 2020. Based on the responses to a market survey performed by Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF), which collects data on the funds and mandates reported by banks and asset managers […]

Warum die Erbse das neue Fleisch ist?

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Als Kind war er bereits schnell, zielstrebig und ein leidenschaftlicher Esser. Heute, rund 32 Jahre später, bringt Lukas Böni sein Können als Chef, seine Leidenschaft für pflanzenbasiertes Fleisch, sein Innovationsgeist als Labor-Tüftler und sein guter Geschmackssinn in sein Start-up Planted ein. Das Jungunternehmen mischt die Lebensmittelindustrie gewaltig auf und arbeitet mit Hochdruck daran, den Begriff […]

With two new brands LIVEKINDLY Collective starts in China

Giggling Pig and Happy Chicken

The LIVEKINDLY Collective has announced its launch in China with two flagship brands: the Giggling Pig 咯咭藸 [Ge Ji Zhu] and the Happy Chicken 哈皮鸡, [Ha Pi Ji]. Both of them were designed and produced domestically to satisfy Chinese customer demands and are LIVEKINDLY’s first in-house brands. The two new brands represent a portfolio of […]