Protecting wildlife populations by promoting a more efficient and environmentally sustainable food production

WWF Report

The Living Planet Report 2020, published this week by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), brought to light alarming facts. The Investigated wildlife populations worldwide declined by two thirds on average, in some areas of the world even by almost 100%. The reasons for these shocking findings are pretty obvious: Illegal hunting, deforestation and environmentally damaging agriculture are some of the main causes. It needs urgent action to reverse this trend.

The true cost of food

WWF Report
Source: WWF, The Living Planet Report 2020, p. 61

Half of all habitable land is used for agriculture, of which 77% is used for livestock feed production and farming. One of the major changes needed thus includes more efficient and environmentally sustainable food production and promoting healthier and more environmentally friendly diets.

What can we do to achieve this? We should invest more into companies who are replacing animal proteins with healthy, plant-based or cultivated alternatives. The food industry 4.0 not only disrupts mass market with tastier products at lower prices it is also far more eco-friendly than today’s meat and dairy production. It’s a win-win: We can not only save our planet, but also create sustainable, long-term shareholder returns.#pureplay

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